The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
- From The Book of Life by Mahatma Gandhi
CSR Policies
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Management Systems comprise a significant part of the economic, environ- mental and social responsibility policies LOMGroup's Program of Action. ECONOMIC RESPONSIBILITY, ENVIRON- MENTAL RESPONSIBILITY, EMPLOYEES and DECENT WORK RESPONSIBILITY, HUMAN RIGHTS, PRODUCT and SERVICE RESPONSIBILITY, COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT are terms which constitute the supporting columns of LOMGroup's CSR Policy.
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Success in our business relies on being able to recruit, motivate and retain a talented group of professionals, drawn from a diverse and representative background. We believe that diverse teams drawn from different sectors of society have a broader outlook and are better equipped to originate attractive investment opportunities and manage our portfolios. We therefore focus our charitable activities on the disadvantaged, on young people and on education, aiming to equip young people from all backgrounds with the tools and opportunities to pursue a successful career to help the needies. The charities we partner with are supported on the basis of their effectiveness and impact. We also support staff giving and sponsorship through matching donations.
LOMGroup doesn't publicise its charitable givings' sum and the all frame of its engagement. Nevertheless, LOMGroup encourages every friend to help following organisation in particular.
The Passage, which is based very near to our London office, has a high impact on the local community. LOMGroup funds The Passage’s Employment, Training and Welfare Rights team, which provides home- less and insecurely housed people with support to find a way back into employment and explore training and educational options.
Community Links is a London charity, running a wide range of community projects for over 5,000 people every year. Based in Newham, one of the most deprived boroughs in London, Community Links has 40 years of experience working with local people to support children, young people, adults and families.
Historic Royal Palaces is an independ- ent charity that looks after the Tower of London, Hampton Court Palace, the Banqueting House, Kensington Palace, Kew Palace and HillsboroughCastle. LOMGroup helps fund the Learning and Engagement programme, which aims to take adults, families, young people and children on a learning journey of discovery.
For almost 70 years the vision of the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain has been to be the most inspirational orchestra for young people.
Contact the Elderly tackles loneli -ness and social isolation among older people. Supported by a network of volunteers, the charity organises monthly Sunday afternoon tea parties for small groups of older people, aged 75 and over, who live alone.
The Save the Children Fund,is an international non-governmental orga- organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. It was established in 1919 in order to improve the lives of children through better education, health care, and economic opportunities, as well as providing emergency aid in natural disasters, war, and other conflicts.
"Every child has the right to grow up in a safe and inclusive environment" is the motto of UNICEF.
UNICEF works with partners around the world to promote policies and expand access to services that protect all children. LOMGroup supports UNICEF for decades wherever it can and needed.
LOMGroup is proud to be a supporter in Bridges Fund Management (previously Bridges Ventures), a privately-owned venture capital company with a social mission.
Its strategy is to focus exclusively on opportunities where investments can generate attractive investor returns through helping to meet pressing social or environmental challenges, for example, backing businesses that generate jobs in underserved areas or building environmentally friendly care homes for the elderly to sustain an ageing population.Bridges currently manages over £800m across three fund types: Sustainable Growth Funds, Property Funds and Social Sector Funds.
(formerly Carbon Disclosure Project) is an international, not for profit organisation providing a framework which enables businesses to disclose their greenhouse emissions and other metrics voluntarily. LOMGroup has been making annual submissions to CDP since 2012.
LOMGroup was the winner of a award for CDP responders in 2014.
UN Principles of Responsible Investment
Since 2011, we have been signatories to the UN Principles of Responsible Investment. We also have a clear and comprehensive responsible Investment Policy which is embedded into our investment and portfolio monitoring processes. To read more about our general Investment Guidleines, see please our Investment Policy Portal.
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External Benchmarking
We believe that it is important to evidence our commitment to operating responsibly and to show how we are performing. Accordingly, we provide a wealth of relevant information to shareholders and other interested parties.
In addition, LOMGroup became a member of the Ethibel Sustainability Index (ESI) Excellence Europe in September 2014.
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