LOMGroup has been granted in 1989 the status “Private Sector Research Company” for vegetables.
When major investments for potato seed breeding were completed in 1990 our joint venture company finally received the authorization as potato seed grower. CSY is devoted to develop varieties under research and farming conditions, support growers with training activities and spread the good use of certified seeds in all regions where potato farming is being carried out.
Operation activities consist of trading, research, and cultivating, coaching, as well as storage of large quantities of wheat deposits in (mainly) seed sector.
The Company;
administers 4.000.000 qm field
has 15.000 Tons local potatoes production
20.000 tons storage capacity
17 varieties of potatoes (from French-fry type to Arizona type potatoes)
CSY represents many international growers of wheat and rice from Italy to USA, Russia and Canada.
CSY is also the first and only indusrial productor of ever first invented olive powder used mainly in food, cosmetic and health industry.
Wheat | Wheat on field | wheate hay bale | wheat harvest | wheat to process | wheat kernal | wheat bread | potato blossoms | poteto on field |
Potato Grading - Packhouse Line | potato collected | potetoes in sack | potato | LOMGroup silos |