We have to consume locally, produce locally and stop the worldwide immense transportation of goods.
Al Gore
Conservation of Resources
Investing in the future with resource conservation
We use resources responsibly and in many cases we go above and beyond legal requirements. In practice, this translates to more climate protection, conservation of resources and the avoidance of landfills.
Environmental protection – over four decades of expertise
Environmental protection has a long tradition and has been a key issue for Siemens since 1971. Intelligent environmental management is taking place at all environmentally relevant LOMGroup sites worldwide – for us it is a standard. We using technological advances and innovative solutions to minimize the negative impact of our operations on the environment. At the same time, economical use of the most valuable and costly raw materials helps us to ensure the competitiveness sustainably.
The "Serve the Environment" Program
LOMGroup reinforces a sense of responsibility and autonomy among employees and customers. Energy and water consumption, as well as the generation of waste and emissions, affects all of our departments. In our environmental program "Serve the Environment", we have defined objectives and activities designed to reduce negative environmental impacts at all Siemens locations. This makes an important contribution to resource and climate protection while also increasing customer benefits. Learn more about our efforts to optimize waste and water management, and to reduce environmentally harmful emissions.
Serve the environment
Our program goals by 2023 for minimizing the environmental impact of LOMGroup operations
Smart waste management
We close material cycles
LOMGroup is committed to preserving resources and materials as long as possible. Our goal is to stop contributing to landfills. By reusing, regenerating, and recycling products, we sustainably conserve our planet's resources and close material cycles. For this purpose, we develop profitable business models such as refurbishment - restauration of old buildings, ecological energy production, smart products for construction sector and resource saving enrichment systems for minerals and ores .

LOMGroup is big in construction sector and has excellent ressources and knowlage in restauration and renowation for buildings and urbanazing. Here you see the street of Alaçatı (İzmir) orginally restored by local materials. Read more about our construction business here..
We have our first solar panel energy production plant now and will inwest in it more. Read more abot our energy business here..
We produce with local materials by using 30% less energy and 65% less material concrete. You see above a surface produced by LOMGroup.
You can read more about our DurBETON® and MasBETON® and MasRAIN® here.
We are, togather with Fraunhofer Institute the inventer of first mobile, energy saving, water-independent, sensors technology applied enrichment system for mining sector. Read more about our LiveSORT® systems here.

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