Peace does not just mean putting an end to violence or war, but to all other factors that threaten peace, such as discrimination, such as inequality, poverty.
- Aung San Suu Kyi, Burmese politician and activist and Amnesty International Ambassador of Conscience
Human Rights
Whilst LOMGroup does have, even it does not need, a formal human rights policy, our policies are strictly consistent with internationally-proclaimed human rights principles.
In particular, LOMGroup is an equal opportunities employer and opposes all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination. We have clear grievance and disciplinary procedures, an employee assistance programme and an independent, external "whistle blowing" hotline service. Read more here.
LOMGroup's Guide of Human Rights
We try to ensure that the businesses we invest in comply (amongst other things) with all applicable employee-related laws and, where appropriate, that they work towards meeting relevant international standards (such as the ILO Fundamental Conventions) where these are more stringent.
Click here to view LOMGroup's statement under section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act.
Employee's rights at work place which we regard as an core pillar of our human rights policy we heed, i.a:
health and safety at work: general rights and obligations, workplaces, work equipment, specific risks and vulnerable workers
equal opportunities for women and men: equal treatment at work, pregnancy, maternity leave, parental leave
protection against discrimination based on sex, race, religion, age, disability and sexual orientation
labour law: part-time work, fixed-term contracts, working hours, employment of young people, informing and consulting employees
Child Labour
Today, 168 million children are in the world at work instead of school.
We can change this by ensuring that parents have better livelihoods.
More than half of these children are engaged in labor deemed “hazardous” – i.e. it is harmful to the child’s physical, mental, spiritual, moral or educational development.We believe that the best way to eradicate
child labor is to provide better livelihoods for parents that allow them to send their children to school rather than work. ILRF plays a leading role in combating child labor by documenting it, increasing consumer
awareness, pressing companies with child labor in their supply chains to take action, and engaging governments on what they need to do to address the issue. LOMGroup supports ILRF in its engagement.
November 20
Did you know that today 177 million children are pregnant?
Join us on World Children’s Day – 20 November
Children are taking over and turning the world blue.
LOMGroup goes blue
Haribo gummy bear ingredients made by modern slaves, documentary shows here.
Forced Labour
Slavery is now illegal in every nation on earth.
Yet modern forms of it can be found in every corner of the world.
Forced labor traps nearly 21 million in bondage annually, according to International Labour Organization (ILO) estimates. The actual number of victims may be much higher. These crimes are notoriously difficult to identify and document. About one quarter of the victims (5.5 million) are under the age of 18.
ILO is attempting to end forced labor by attacking its root causes, works with governments, companies and worker organizations to document cases, and to ensure that workers are protected and empowered to demand dignified, just working conditions. LOMGroup is a fervent supporter of ILO to contribute to cease that modern slavery by applying the ILO Standards.
The chocolate industry has a century-long history of forced and child labor in the production of cocoa. Read more here.
Migrant Labor
Hopeless workers are on the move, often into uncertain and potentially exploitative labor.
Shifts in demographic and economic patterns are pushing workers to cross borders for jobs in ever increasing numbers. Migrants often leave their home communities due to extreme poverty and face exploitation as they search for work in unfamiliar terrain. They are commonly subject to subcontracting schemes and precarious jobs in the informal economy. They make vital economic contributions to both their host countries and countries of origin, but confront a dire lack of workplace protection and social security.
The fear of arrest and deportation prevents many migrant workers from being able to speak out about labor rights abuses because they may be undocumented, or dependent on their employer for documentation that allows them to stay legally. Unions and other rights activists are documenting cases around the globe where employers handle legitimate complaints about working conditions not by sitting down with workers, but calling the police to have them arrested. As the pace of labor movement across borders quickens, we must put in place the safeguards needed to ensure migrant workers are afforded equal treatment under the law and pathways for regularized, non-temporary employment.
Many refugees flee to countries where they do not have access to agricultural land or the formal labour market. They are consequently obliged to rely on international assistance and occasional work in the informal sector. As a result, they may try to move to a state where better jobs appear to be available. In many cases, however, they lack the necessary passports, visas and work permits and may find themselves in a situation of continued vulnerability.
Such situations would not arise if refugees, especially those with particular skills, could exercise freedom of movement, gain access to the required documents and work legally in other countries. Although not a solution in itself, labour mobility could assist refugees to locally integrate in the country where they are working or their country of first asylum. It could also provide refugees with the resources and capacity to return to their country of origin, once it becomes safe to do so.
UNHCR is doing just that, working with grassroots organizations in migrant worker communities to help them provide some level of protection in an unstable environment. We also advocate at the national and international levelsö especially contributing to UNHCR programs related, for more just, humane immigration practices that take into account the needs of migrant workers and ensure their rights are respected. Finally, we document ın our sphere of activities cases of human trafficking, the dark side of our increasingly fluid movement of labor across borders, and hold multinational companies accountable for profiting from trafficking in their supply chains.
"Violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence workplace policies.
Guidance for developing an effective policy"
Women's Rights
Women make up 40% of the global workforce, yet make less than their male counterparts in every country on Earth.
Women make up a vital part of the economic and social fabric that hold their communities together, yet that work is rarely valued at the same level as is men’s work. Much of this has to do with what opportunities are available to them. Women are disproportionately likely to be poor, under-educated, employed in low-wage or unpaid work, and subject to dismissal for getting married or having children. In many industries, female workers are systematically denied their rights to regular pay and regular working hours; equal pay for equal work; permanent contracts; safe and non-hazardous work environments; and freedom of association. Egregious abuses, including sexual violence, harassment and forced pregnancy tests, are all too common.
Moreover, the social status of women has not opened up at the same pace at which women have been brought into the workplace. They may have increasing opportunities at work, but they are prone to domestic violence and unequal expectations at home. It has become a mantra at development organizations, including the World Bank and United Nations, that investing in women is the best way to improve a range of societal concerns and that women’s full participation in society is a critical factor in economic development. But more importantly, women’s rights groups have long recognized that full equality is not possible unless women can speak out for themselves.
We are continuing a long tradition at LOMGroup, pushing forward labor rights for women, being at the forefront of securing fair treatment and wages for women in the workplace. We also work with partners to help women around the world organize in industries with predominantly female workers.
Related documents
71% of all human trafficking victims worldwide are women and girls, and 3 out of 4 of these women and girls are sexually exploited
1 in 3 women and girls experience physical or sexual violence in their lifetime
Worldwide, almost 750 million women and girls alive today were married before their 18th birthday; while 200 million women and girls have undergone female genital mutilation (FGM)
Orange The World is a campaign of UN and supported by LOMGroup.