Product Stewardship
Product stewardship is defined as the management of the safety, health and environmental aspects of a product throughout its entire life cycle, which is to be applied in an ethically responsible way. Product stewardship encompasses the entire life cycle of a product: development, raw material procurement, production, packaging, transport, storage, marketing and sales and advice on usage.
We act responsibly
Product stewardship is an integral part of our management system and is supported by our management in a sustainable way. Together with our inwolwed partners, we have developed principles of product responsibility (product stewardship) that determine all of our actions. We are committed to the product stewardship program of the : European Manufacturers Association and to the basic values of sustainability, safety, health and environmental protection, customer-oriented research, integrity, free and fair trade as well as ethical behaviour. We act responsibly towards our customers, our employees, our neighbours and society in general.
Continuous improvement in safety, quality and environmental protection
In order to secure food supplies for mankind in the future, the use of minerals and ores is required. We are aware that we supply them and thus contribute to ensuring the provision of vital products. In doing so, we have to follow the requirements for safe food production as well as for human being wellnes expectations in usage and focus on the health and safety of people, animals and plants. All statutory rules and regulations are observed. We are convinced that with the progressive globalization of industrial activities, it is constantly necessary to develop standards and procedures for the responsible use of fertilizers. We are actively involved in this process and continue to strive for progressive improvement in safety, quality and environmental protection. The aim is to ensure that fertilizers and their raw materials, additives and intermediates are produced, handled, transported, stored, applied and, if necessary, reworked in a responsible manner with regard to health, environment and safety.
Strengthening awareness for responsible handling
With the exception of the safety aspects, the safe handling of our products occupies us throughout their entire service lives, and we try to influence our customers so that they help us with information on safety aspects over the entire supply chain. We organize regular advanced training sessions to raise the awareness level for responsibly handling health, safety, quality and environmental protection issues. The basic safety principles have been developed together with our employees and documented. Extra-ordinary events are reported to related organisations and authorities, documented and openly communicated.
Open dialogue
When selecting our business partners, we take a closer look at their standards on safety, quality and environmental protection. We support our customers in an effort to find safe, efficient and environmentally friendly ways for further processing of our products. We provide information about further advances and new developments in connection with our products and the technologies used by us. We are committed to engage in an open dialogue with our employees and neighbours, with the media and the public authorities. Our goal is to promote mutual understanding

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