Ongoing construction projects
- mostly as JV and contributution -

Ongoing projects descriptions

The lignite- fuelled Thermal Power Plant at an installed capacity of 510 MW within borders of Manisa. The Project covers the Thermal Power Plant, Ash Storage Area, Coal Preparation and Supplementary Stockyard, Coal Mines, Coal and Ash Conveyance Systems, Limestone Quarry and Kozluören dam, Asar Pond and Distribution Lines to be provided within the scope of the Water Supply Project. Supply of engineering services and technological equipment for the Thermal Plant will be realized by Harbin Electric International (HEI). Supervision service will be directly provided by HEI in construction and assembly stages to be realized. HEI will also carry out commissioning and testing stages for all equipment and systems at the power plant following the completion of assembly works.
LOMGroup has assumed, in addition to construction and assembly of Thermal Power Plant, the establishment of the infrastructure of a mining operation in scope of which 23 million m3 excavation will be performed and 4.8 million tons of coal will be produced, and a lime quarry with an annual capacity of approximately 200 thousand tons will be operated, construction of coal and ash conveyance systems and coal stock and homogenization site, and construction of two ponds and one regulator along with their distribution lines with a total annual capacity of 9 hm3 for the supply of cooling water of the power plant. The main power system providing generation of energy at Thermal Power Plant will consist of 2 steam boilers, 2 steam turbines and a generator set. The gross total installed capacity of the power plant is planned to be 510 MW. Circulated Fluidized Bed Boiler-CFB technology is used at the power plant, and the boilers are designed by the Finland engineering office of Foster Wheeler Company, which is the most important developer and manufacturer of CFB steam boilers across the world, and have been manufactured at production facilities of Foster Wheeler in Europe and China. 2 steam turbines and 2 generators are used at the power plant, with their engineering and manufacturing performed in Germany by Siemens AG. The local lignite fuelled Thermal Power Plant will represent the highest level that could be achieved in technological terms at completion 266 billion kWh electric energy will be generated per year.
Yusufeli Dam and HPP Project is located over Çoruh River, within the borders of Yusufeli district and on 70 km south-west of Artvin in Eastern Black Sea Region. The installed capacity of the facility is 558 MW (3x186) and annual energy production is 1 billion 888 million KWh/year. The annual average flow rate in the dam area is 119,8 m3/s and the annual amount of flow is 3.777 hm3. The total storage volume of the dam is 2.130 hm3. The height of the dam is 270 m from the foundation. It is the third highest dam in the world in the category of double-curvature arch dams, after Xiowan Dam (292 m) in China and Inguri (272 m) in Georgia. Upon the completion of the project, a contribution of 450 million TL will be provided in the national budget annually. The highway passing through the area of the dam were relocated out of the construction site with a temporary connection road of 5,9 km. There are; 3 bridges with a total length of 231 m, 5 tunnels with a total length of 3.890 m.

Construction of Hotamış Storage consists Konya Closed Basin in Central Anatolia Region and the upper sections of Göksu Basin in Mediterranean region. The principal water resources of the project site are Çarşamba Creek, Göksu River, the underground water of Beyşehir Lake and flows coming from intermediary basins. The drainage area of the project site is totally 17.506 km2, as 16.400 km2 in Konya Closed Basin and Beyşehir and 1.106 km2 in Göksu Basin. Furthermore, Salt Lake is indirectly consisted in the project site. Hotamış Storage is locate within the borders of Çumra district of Konya and over the former Hotamış reeds. Some part of the water diverted from Göksu River and the water in the return way of irrigation process will be accumulated in this facility. The irrigation area of the project will be 77.110 ha. Via two island to be built inside the reservoir in the Hotamış Storage located over a former Hotamış reeds, the birds of passage coming to former Hotamış Lake will be ensured to come again. Thus, it will turn into a unique bird sanctuary in terms of tourism and employment opportunity will be increased again with fishery. The total length of the bank is 25.695 m. The body is a homogenous clay fill dam. The height of the storage bank is 15 m from the foundation and 12 m from thalweg. Within the scope of the project, there is D6 drainage canal with a length of 24 km is available around the storage bank. Upon the completion of the construction, an excavation with total of 4.500.000 m3 and fill with a total of 21.000.000 m3 will be made. In addition, two village roads have been relocated out of the storage site and taken into service. The existing water in the D6 drainage canal will be pumped to lake site by P7 pump station with 10 mm3/s capacity and the water in the lake site will be pumped to irrigation canal by P8 pump station with 36 m3/s capacity. Normal storage volume of Hotamış Storage is 580 hm3. The active volume is 452 hm3. It is aimed to regulate 360 hm3 water annually.

The purpose of the project, which is financed by Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA), is to convey drinking water for Capital city of Turkey, Ankara through tunnel of 31.6 km in length. This project will be one of the longest water conveyance tunnel of the world. In the scope of the project, the construction of regulator, water intake structure and construction shaft of 15 in diameter and 72 m in depth were completed. In addition the tunnel of 22,87 km was completed with three double shielded TBMs with a diameter of 5,5 m. Due to geological reasons, the section between the shaft and exit could not be completed and the work of tunnel boring is still carried out by EPB TBM which was installed in an installation room built 7 km inside. 1,5 km tunnel excavation has been completed with new TBM and the resting 7,3 km tunnel excavation is still going on. The tunnel excavation is planned to be completed in 2018.

The aim of this project is to take water from the Beninah tank and convey to the agricultural regions of Benghazi. The project main components are as follows: GRP pipeline with associated chambers of approximately 83 km with diameters ranging from 250 mm to 1,400 mm carrying out approximately 2,183 l/sec water for irrigation purposes to be distributed to 9 fields, irrigation networks with associated chambers approximately 415 km long uPVC pipes with a diameters ranges from 450 mm to 63 mm, 45 turn-out head works chambers connecting the irrigation networks to the main GRP pipeline, 738 circular reinforced concrete tanks with a capacity of 250 m3.

This Project, which is a part of the Libya's and the world's largest construction Project the Great Man Made River Project aims to take water from the AKNE reservoir and supply the agricultural regions of Rajma, Ghout El-Sultan and Benghazi Plain. The project main components are as follows:
1. Main Pump Station and Main Pump Station Break Pressure Tank: Geotechnical study, Design, Supply and Construction for civil, mechanical, electrical, control and communication Works of the Main Pump Station with 6 pumps with a capacity of 2,764 m3/h each. The pump station shall pump water to three different agricultural projects, at different locations, altitudes and with different flow rates. Approximate distance is about 18.6 km to Rajma Tank, 52.4 km to Ghout El-Sultan Storage Tank and 12 km to Benghazi Plain Header Tank. The water demand is 30,000 m3 per day to Rajma, 33,000 m3 per day to Ghout El-Sultan and 33,000 m3 per day to Benghazi Plain Header Tank.
2. Booster Pump Station and Booster Pump Station Break Pressure Tank: Geotechnical study, Design, Supply and Construction for civil, mechanical, electrical, control and communication of a Booster Pump Station with 3 pumps with a capacity of 1,483 m3/h each.
3. Transmission Pipeline: Geotechnical study, Design, Supply and Construction for transmission pipeline approximately 65 kilometres. GRP Pipe diameters and quantities are; Ø1,700, PN 16: 15,758.00 m, Ø1,400, PN 16: 2,288 m, Ø1,200, PN 16: 12,152 m, Ø800, PN 16: 33,528 m, Ø600, PN 16: 901 m.
4. Operation Tanks: Design, Supply and Construction of covered reinforced concrete Ghout El-Sultan Storage Tank and Benghazi Plain Header Tank with a capacity of 33,000 cubic meters each and the repair of existing Rajma Agricultural Tank with a capacity of 60,000 cubic meters.
5. Distribution Pipeline: Supply, construction and testing of distribution pipeline approximately 10 kilometres which connects Ghout El-Sultan Storage Tank to the irrigation distribution network.
Pipe diameters and quantities are; Ø1,000, PN 10:1,500 m; Ø800, PN 10: 390 m; Ø600, PN 10 4,300 m; Ø500, PN 10: 3,250 m; Ø400, PN 10: 435 m.

New Airport Metro Line is composed of 8 stations and double track line of 36 km in length. The Work of Gayrettepe-İstanbul New Airport Metro Line starts from Gayrettepe Station and goes through Kağıthane, Kemerburgaz, Göktürk, İhsaniye, Airport-2, Airport-1 Stations and reaches at Airport-3 Station, and it passes the expropriation area of Airport and ends on a shaft where the TBMs emerge at ground surface.
The tunnels included in the project will be bored with 10 TBM/EPBs (67,5 km). The tunnels in the region of stations and area of switches will be bored with NATM tunnel boring method (2,7 km). The stations will be bored with cut-and-cover and NATM methods.
The scope of the project includes all tunnel construction works of the mentioned railway system line; construction and architectural finishing works of Gayrettepe, Kağıthane, Kemerburgaz, Göktürk and İhsaniye stations and the access-egress structures, railway works, power supply and distribution, traction power, lighting, signalling, control and communication systems (including SCADA, transmission, telephone, radio, announcement, closed circuit television, clocks, access control, passenger information, ticket tolling systems), environmental control systems (including ventilation and air conditioning), fire alarm, fire protection and fire extinguisher systems, platform separation doors, clean water, drain water and drainage systems, escalators, belt conveyors and elevators, full automated car parking lots, railway works and related design services (which will ensure the efficient operation of system with its all parts, require minimum maintenance and enable the efficient execution of temporary construction works), construction, installation, testing and commissioning works, design and construction works of depot rail lines and other necessary structures as well as the electromechanical installations; operation and maintenance control service related with all systems for 24 months; preparation of operation and maintenance handbooks; procurement of spare parts and consumable materials and special tools and equipment for 2 years and provision of in-service and foreign trainings for totally 8 stations.
Gayrettepe - New Airport Rail System Connection will be of Full Automated Driverless Signalling System - GOA4 (Grade of Automation 4) and meet all applicable technical and safety requirements according to related international standards.
It will ensure Automatic Train Control (ATC) and Communication Based Train Control (CBTC) providing a headway of minimum 300 second and operation speed of 120 km/h. As the main items within the scope of the project; the works for line tunnels, switches, intermediate passage tunnels, stations, periodical maintenance areas (PMA), power supply buildings (substation, traction power, generator etc.) and similar construction, architecture and finishing works, power supply and traction power, signalization, control and communication, ventilation and air conditioning, auxiliary station facilities, escalators and elevators and the railway works will be executed. All sets will run into depots and parking areas as driverless. The platform separator doors in the stations will be controlled with signalling system.
LOMGroup deliveres High Density Performance Concrete in quality between C40 - C70 to the project until 2018 continiously and performs their application.

Within the scope of the project including the completion of incomplete works Gebze - İbrahimağa (Gebze-Pendik Section is out of scope) and Kazlıçeşme-Halkalı Suburban Railway Lines which will respectively provide connection to MARMARAY Immersed Tube Tunnel Project in both Anatolian Side and European Side; a modern line will be constructed in accordance with the projected transport targets by constructing new stations and transforming the current double track line into three-track line.
The historical station buildings through the project route and the other surrounding historical buildings in interaction with the project will be preserved in conformity with their originals; depot and shunting areas will be constructed in Halkalı, Yenimahalle and Maltepe and these will be equipped in accordance with their technical requirements. Throughout the project route which is totally 23,78 km at the Anatolian Side and 19,00 km at the European Side, piled and curtain retaining walls will be constructed and improved on poor ground areas, and railway infrastructure and superstructure will be constructed.
Furthermore, a large number of culverts and vehicle/pedestrian underpasses and overpasses will be constructed through the route with a design criteria of 100 years, the route will be secured with panel fences and noise barriers decreasing the environmental effects .
LOMGroup deliveres in this project also the concrete.

Earthworks, engineering structures, bridges, tunnels, superstructures and other various works are included within scope of project. Duration of work is 1200 days and the total length of the highway (divided road), which will be constructed, including two different sections is 28,5 km. There are 9 bridges at different lengths and 17 tunnels at different lengths along the highway. Furthermore, construction of 3 at-grade junctions is included within project. Amounts of the works that will be done within scope of project are summarized below:
• Total road length - 28,5 km (divided) • 9 Bridges - Total length 990 m • 17 Tunnels - Total length 22.850 m
• 2.300.000 m3 route excavation work
• 2.050.000 m3 tunnel excavation work (together with works for various excavation supporting system)
• 78.000 m3 tunnel shotcrete work • 220.000 m3 tunnel final concrete pavement
• 584.000 m2 tunnel insulation work • 110.000 m3 other concrete works
• Nearly 10.000 ton ironwork • 300.000 m2 asphalt paving work

Under the 2x4 Highway project constituting the European section of the 3rd Bosporus Bridge and having a total main body of 71.67 km including Kınalı - Yassıören Junction (Section 1: km: 0+000 - km: 42+800), Yassıören Junction - Odayeri (Section 2: 42+800- 60+500), and Habibler - Hasdal (Section 7: km: 60+750 - 76+211); 56 million m3 of cut and 23.5 million m3 of fill will be made, and the project superstructure will be composed of plant mix subbase, plant mix base, bituminous base, binder, and stone mastic asphalt. The total length of 10 viaducts under the project is 3411 meters, where three of these will be built by post tensioning method, and the others will be built by using classical pre-tensioned beams. Furthermore, 1 cut-and-cover tunnel (L= 450 m), 30 bridges, 15 over-bridges, 22 underpasses and 39 box culverts of various sizes as well as 3 diversion canals with a total length of 660 m will be built. 1 Maintenance-Operation Center, 1 Service Area and 1 Parking Area will be built and operated along the route. 2x2 access roads, the total length of which are 7.33 km; the residential areas and the existing highways through Kınalı Junction Silivri Junction, Gazitepe Junction, Çatalca Junction, Yassıören Junction, Tayakadın Junction, Habibler Junction, Hasdal - Highway Junction, Hasdal - Göktürk Junction; the 3rd Airport of Istanbul through Terminal 2, Terminal 1, and Kargo Junction, the 3-layer tunnel project planned to be built to provide strait passing and the AKOM junction will be provided with connection.

The Project covers the construction work of the main roads and main infrastructure of the South Al Mutlaa City that would be newly developed on an area of approximately 100 km2, located at the south of Kuwait city to populate 350.000 people.
Within the scope of the work, there are;
Earth works:
• Route excavation and fill works (22 million m3 excavation and fill on an area of 6.6 million m2)
• Structural excavation and fill works (10 million m3)
Road Works:
• Sub base, base, bituminous base & asphalt works (4.8 million m2, 149 km)
• Construction of round abouts (61 pcs.) • Construction of junctions (34 pcs.)
Reinforced concrete manufacturing:
• Construction of bridges for road vehicles (18 pcs.) • Construction of bridges for pedestrians (13 pcs.)
• Construction of bridges for infrastructure pipelines (5 pcs.) • Construction of retaining wall (32 km)
• Construction of rain water box culvert (12 km) • Manufacture of reinforced concrete barrier (95 km)
• Manufacture of concrete kerb (1.000 km) • Construction of reinforced concrete barrier (1.000.000 m3)
Infrastructure works:
• Landscape irrigation line (170 km) • Treated drain water line (71 km) • Clean water pipeline (130 km)
• Drain water pipeline (70 km) • Drain water pipeline with micro tunnel (38 km)
• Rain water pipeline (308 km) • Pipeline passage for electric cables (30 km)
• Pipeline passage for communication cables (244 km) • Pipeline passage for road lighting cables (249 km)
• Pipeline passage for intersection signalization cables (34 pcs.)
• Rain water pumping station (18 pcs.) • Rain water treatment tanks (9 pcs.)
• Displacement of existing High Voltage Posts (14 pcs.)

The Project constitutes the first section of the 313 km Masalli - Astara Highway and scope of the work comprises the construction of the infrastructure and superstructure works of 22,15 km long 2x2 highway, totally 10 bridges and various hydraulic engineering structures. 2 interchanges - All connection roads and ramps have been completed up to binder level. 6x2 creek passage bridges have been completed on wearing course level. 679.000 m3 fill works have been made.33.300 m3 rock fill has been made. 62.800 m3 sub-base have been made. 27.000 m3 crushed stone base has been made. 34.247 m3 bituminous road base has been made. 21.578 m3 binder has been made. 14.780 m3modified wearing course has been completed and 3.000 m3 wearing course has remained. 51.589 m3 shoulder sub-base has been completed. 2.600 m3 reinforced concrete channel has been completed and 2.400 m3 remained. 16.600 m New Jersey type barrier has been completed and 500 m remained. 25.000 m guardrail has been installed and 16.000 m remained.

The aim of the Project is to divide the existing railway lines between 3 boroughs into high speed line, conventional line and suburban line and to re-construct, within the metro standards, of all stations and the platforms on this line. Within the scope of Project, the total number of the existing 4 tracks between Ankara and Behiçbey will be increased to 6, the existing 3 tracks between Behiçbey and Sincan to 5 and the existing 2 tracks between Ankara and Kayaş to 4, and all the stations will be re-constructed in accordance with metro standards. The Project includes the works for 1.053.715 m2 of filling, 2.490.894 m2 of excavation for route and engineering structures, re-structuring of 25 stations, laying of 150.160 meters of track, 2 overpasses and 11 underpasses for road vehicles, 2 overpasses and 8 underpasses for pedestrians, 1 cut and cover railway underpass with a length of 2200 m, 117 culverts, signalling and telecommunications and electrification works of 1 metro connection passage.

Dudullu-Bostancı (Kadıköy-Ataşehir-Ümraniye Districts) Metro Line with 14 km in length is connecting Kadıköy (Bostancı)-Ataşehir-Ümraniye Districts is composed of main line tunnels and totally 13 stations with bored and cut-and-cover type. Dudullu-Bostancı Metro Line shall have a transport capacity of 70.000 passengers per hour per direction.
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