Welcome to LOMGroup
Since its founding in 19th century as an antimony exploiting mining company, The LOMGroup, as a family office, sets today awarded standards for a better living, at the forefront of discoveries that shape modern life. From mining to construction engaged in various sectors and many countries today, being aware of its mission, the responsibility of an international society, a conglomerat with huge assets, and never losing sight of precious goals in mind, The LOMGroup is still being administred in the trusted hands of the founding family. Abiding by the principles of sustainable development, remaining faithfull to its set values for decadas, and true to its roots and heritage as a corporate citizen with a sense for innovations, The LOMGroup works tirelessly, with its more than 7.000 employees in 39 consolidated and over 20.000 employees in 120 shareholdings in total, since the day of its formation, by contributing the best possible it can provide, for a better world . Please continue reading below or give a glance to our corperate profile.
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Our nickname LOM is composed by the first letters of the words
Live Ore & Mine
since 1977. Our roots are going back to 1890s. Initially our company has been founded as an antimony mining jv at the Agean coast.. More about our heritage and our development read here.

"Whoever comes to your place and leaves there unhappy,
be aware that you share a responsibility for."
Süleyman I, (1851-1921),Our founder and eternal leader
What drives us, what we bear in our heart and mind, of what we dream and and how we engage to reach our goals? To learn all about our vision, misson and values, klick here.

The LOMGroup is a mid-tier global resources company operating around the world focusing mainly on 8 sectors:
Construction, Mining, Energy, Services, Tourizm, Dockyard (Shipyard) business, Port and Marina Management Busines and Agriculture.. Read more here.

"There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility to change them for better."
Denis Waitley
Corporate Responsibility (CR) Management systems comprise a significant part of the economic, environmental and social responsibility policies of The LOMGroup. Read more here.

"How far that little candle throws his beams!"
(The Merchant of Venice, by Shakespeare

“Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.”
Anton Chekhov
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