LOMGroup awards Carlton Cummis for giving batteries a second life.
What happens when they wear out?

As the world moves towards more renewable energy, batteries will play a crucial storage role. But what happens when they wear out? Carlton Cummins is an entrepreneur whose start-up aims to give dead batteries a second life. We spoke to him. Please listen to his story.
LOMGroup's Innovation Award (togather with Shell Inc.) goes for 2018 to Carlton Cummnis for his "New Life To Old Batteries"
Since its founding in 19th century as an antimony exploiting mining company, The LOMGroup sets today, as a family office, awarded standards for a better living, at the forefront of discoveries that shape our modern life.
The LOMGroup works tirelessly since over a century, with its more than 7.000 employees in 39 consolidated companies and over 20.000 employees in 120 shareholdings in total, since the day of its formation in the trustful hands of the founding family, by contributing the best possible it can provide, for a better world . Please continue reading below or give a glance to our corperate profile here >.

Don't say me anything about what you all did yet, just show me your footprints in the stone.
Süleyman I, (1851-1921),
Our founder and eternal leader
Our nickname LOM is composed by the first letters of the words Live Ore & Mine since 1977.
Our roots are going back to 1890s. Initially our company has been founded as an antimony mining jv at the Agean coast..
Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet, {...} Be curious.
And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at. It matters that you don’t just give up.
Stephan Hawking (1942-2018)
In every color, bendable, as thin as 0,5 mm, durability up to 10 times more than of classic concrete, in steel hardness, flame retardant, tranclucent, painted, permeable and much more features you never would expect from concrete.. Developed in cooperations with several universities, endustrial solutions you you may wonder about, are all products created by incessent dedication to innovations.
Our Vison & Values
Denis Waitley
There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility to change them for better.

Corporate Responsibility (CR) Management systems comprise a very significant part of the economic, environmental and social responsibility policies of The LOMGroup.

LOM Construction is the promoter of the major operating LOMGroup companies and holds significant administrating influence in these companies. LOM companies are commonly referred as The LOMGroup and the Chairman of LOM Construction as Chairman of The LOMGroup.
The LOMGroup is a mid-tier global resources company operating around the world focusing mainly on 8 sectors: Construction, Mining, Energy, Services, Tourism, Dockyard (Shipyard), Port & Marina Management and Agriculture businesses.
How far that little candle throws his beams!
The Merchant of Venice, by Shakespeare
How far that little candle throws his beams!
The Merchant of Venice, by Shakespeare
LOMGroup merges quality service, innovative thinking and customer focus to create group synergy among its employees in the consolidated companies. Our policies about human ressources and benefits of working in an internationall big familiy,
Environmental Awarness Award
LOMGroup's Environmental Awarness Award has been given to the WIX WEB TEAM for their feature "Plastics will kill us all!"
For the safety of our streets, places, highways LOMGroup developed MasRain® permeable concrete.

Euler Hermes interviewed in its 2020 report The Finance Leader of Tomorrow the people at the helm of the European economy about the impact of the Covid-19.
What impact on our world and future they expect and see, incl. our CEO Tony Cianciosi?
Tony Cianciosi CEO of the LOMGroup

Within two weeks after opening at least 20,000 people visited a show spotlighting the works of famed artist Pablo Picasso in Turkey’s Aegean region.

Katowice Climate Change Conference
LOMGroup Communication Director Tom Zengin spoke to the assambly of the conference:
"Climate change presents the single biggest threat to sustainable development everywhere and its widespread, unprecedented impacts disproportionately burden the poorest and most vulnerable.
Urgent action to halt climate change and deal with its impacts is integral to the successful implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Collectively, the three post-2015 agendas for action – the Paris Agreement, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction - provide the foundation for sustainable, low-carbon and resilient development under a changing climate. The industry has not only to follow suit but to lead here wıth courage and decisiveness."
Read more here >
Tom Zengin, Communication Director of LOMGroup
Climate Change - Who Cares ?

London, Hors Guards Building

Downtown, Osaka

Miami, Florida

The amount of microplastic entering our body in 1 week: 5 grams (this is the size of a credit card)
The amount of microplastic entering our body in 1 year: 250 grams
The amount of microplastic entering our body in 1 month: 21 grams
The amount of microplastic entering our body in 6 months: 125 grams
It is estimated that an average person eats 20 kilograms of microplastics throughout his life.
Six steps to tackling the world’s plastic addiction

The world has woken up to the threat posed by plastics. Here is a six-step guide to dealing with the plastics problem.
We all use plastic every day. It packages our food, is part of our cars and public transport, and even clothes us. Annual plastic production increased nearly 200-fold to 381 million tonnes from 1950 to 2015. By 2015, 7.8 billion tonnes of plastic had been produced. And production is accelerating as people in developing countries adopt a throwaway culture.
But while this lightweight, strong, waterproof material has many benefits, it comes with some big drawbacks. Most plastic isn't biodegradable, so it stays in the environment for hundreds of years damaging ecosystems. And it relies on oil for its production and therefore has a negative impact on carbon emissions. Increasing plastic production – and recycling rates of less than a fifth in 2015 – mean that plastics are almost everywhere on earth, in our oceans and our bodies. This is bad for our health, wildlife and the planet. What can be done? Here are some ideas:
Recognize that action is essential; doing nothing is not an option. Plastic packaging causes €36 billion of damage to the world, according to the UN Environment. Given projected growth in consumption, oceans will contain more plastic than fish by 2050, by which time the plastics industry will consume 20% of total oil production and 15% of the annual carbon budget.
Accept the scale of the challenge: recycling is not straightforward and a circular model for plastics is extremely difficult, says Thijs Geijer, food and agricultural economist and author of a new ING report on plastics (only in Dutch). The majority of food packaging, one of the biggest sources of plastics, cannot be reused by the food industry for food safety reasons. And plastics degrade and lose their value in every successive cycle. Nor can plastics just be swapped for alternatives, such as paper or glass, which also have high environmental costs.
Embrace changing consumer attitudes as a driver of corporate motivation. The 13 firms that have signed up to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s ‘100% reusable, recyclable or compostable packaging by 2025’ campaign, including L’Oréal, Mars, and Coca-Cola, want to enhance their reputation among customers, many of which are eager to make ‘greener’ choices. Our buying power as consumers could prompt “a transition from the linear take-make-dispose model to one which is truly circular by design,” says former Unilever CEO Paul Polman. Action can be swift once the public is mobilized. For instance, changing consumer demand has put pressure on companies to abandon plastic straws. As a result, paper straws now account for 45% of production (up from 10% two years ago) at one of the world’s largest manufacturers of plastic straws, China’s Soton Daily Necessities.
Governments must set standards, impose rules and incentivize activity. In the Netherlands and Germany, for instance, Unilever, IKEA, and other firms pay a levy that funds improved recycling infrastructure and innovation. Similarly, the closed-loop of PET bottle recycling, incentivized in Germany and elsewhere by a deposit scheme, shows what can be achieved: bottles have a return rate of 96%. And in Rome, it’s now possible to trade plastic bottles for metro tickets, helping to increase recycling and boost public transport use.
Don’t look for a single solution. There are many ways to increase recycling, reduce plastic production and encourage the use of bioplastics; changes to plastic composition to promote easier recycling, and taxes, subsidies, and incentives could all be important. Different solutions, or combinations of solutions, may be needed for different markets or countries if we are to reduce plastic incineration or landfill. Companies and consumers need to be open-minded and flexible: the balance of solutions is likely to change over time as technology evolves – bioplastics are still at an early stage of development, for example.
Go back to the future. The new Loop refillable service involving Pepsi, Unilever, and Nestlé is a web-based subscription service that uses the latest business model and technology, as well as some very old-fashioned ideas: high-quality reusable containers are delivered and collected in a similar way to home milk services in days gone by. UK supermarket Waitrose’s packaging-free pilot is a similar store-based idea. The transformation could come quicker than some expect: shoppers’ have shown themselves to be capable of rapidly reverting to sustainable behavior given the right incentives. Once everyone took their shopping home in reusable bags and baskets; that changed when supermarkets introduced single-use plastic bags. But by implementing a small charge for single-use plastic bags, the UK was able to cut their use by 90% in just four years.